Three times the fun, AvP 2 captures the spirit of the 'Alien' films perfectly, while adding new ideas to 'Predators'...

User Rating: 8.8 | Aliens Versus Predator 2 PC
All the despair and hypocrisy of the Alien universe is here, albeight less dire than the films. As a marine, you live out a chapter that easily fits within the second 'Alien' film. Your turn as a Predator adds some goodies, such as the net gun and portable medkit (complete with the howl of pain from Predator 2). But’s it’s the alien that gets all the fun, especially since you get to play as all the life-stages. I don’t know what was more fun; headbiting as an adult, or scrambling through tight spaces and freaking out the humans as a facehugger. All this and a welcome “save anywhere” option make AvP 2 a solid hit. * Gameplay: Spine-chilling atmospheres, predatory hunting and an excellent crossing storyline are well executed. Each of the three characters are balanced for multiplayer gaming. * Graphics: As a marine, there’s nothing extra-special, but the other two get unusual visual modes that add cool visuals. A drab color palette adds to the dismal ambiance. * Sound: The soudtrack reflects the environment well. All the familiar effects are here. What could be better than watching a scientist mumble incoherently as your hissing jaws prepare to lockdown? * Value: Multiplayer feature and a dearth of mods will keep you busy. * Tilt: I love everything about the films (even the new AvP film), read the comics and even have some AvP toys.