Simply put the games single player and multiplayer modes are both memorable.

User Rating: 9.2 | Aliens Versus Predator 2 PC
Innovative story structure creates a compelling single player experience. Multi-player is high action and addictive. Let’s start with the single player game. The game lets you choose from the three different races; predator, alien, and marine. Each experience is different, but somewhere along in the game you realize that each of these three experiences cross a path. It’s ingenious and it makes you want to play the game through each race. Playing as the marines late at night with the lights off will make you jump more often than you wish. The multiplayer experience is quiet engaging as well with some really unique game play modes, such as a tag variant where everyone starts as a marine and the first person to die becomes an alien, where at this point you’re on your own and must kill marines to add more aliens to your team. Even though the weapons are so varied between each species, there’s still a strong balance and different strategies are required depending on which you play as.