AvP2 is way better than it's expansion pack: Primal Hunt.

User Rating: 5.5 | Aliens vs. Predator 2: Primal Hunt PC
Primal Hunt is a expansion pack to the original game AvP2 made in 2001.

Well graphics again. Its still the same as the original only that its been polished to make it more nicer looking.

Sound is still the same. Only Dunya and the PredAlien has new sounds.

Now gameplay. When I played as a Corporate, it didn't give me the fear and tension like the original. The Predator is the same only with a new weapon and a new cloak effect and skin. The PredAlien was fun at first then it started to get very confusing and stressful to play. The objectives to me weren't clear enough, you had to spent hours on a single map just to fine the route you needed to go. But still being able to pick up sentry guns is cool. But missions should be more. I mean I brought this expansion pack just for knowing what happened before the events of AvP2 and new stuff and 3 levels each for each species? I mean come on create more missions!

Overall, its not good and not bad. If you want to know what happened before the events of AvP2 and want to play as the PredAlien and other stuff. Then buy it. I don't recommend you do. But if you really want to complete the AvP collection then buy it.