A fantastic homage, to one of the greatest Sci-Fi horror films.

User Rating: 8 | Alien: Isolation PS4

Right in the opening scene of Alien Isolation, you are filled with the nostalgia of 1979 as the visuals, sounds and music reminiscent of Ridley Scott's 1979 Alien fill your senses. Clocking in at around 20 hours, Alien Isolation was a treat to play, albeit with its share of repetitiveness here and there, the star of the game was the Xenomorph itself, as it's only purpose, the purpose of a perfect organism, was to hunt you down.

Alien Isolation put's you in the boots of Ripley's daughter, Amanda, who sets out on a journey to find out what happened to her mother. Once they reach their destination of the Sevastopol, things take a turn, and what was hoped to be an easy journey to find some answers, turns into a fight for both survival, and sanity.

Alien Isolation is a must play if you have any love whatsoever of the 1979 film, and it's one of the most true to source material experiences I have ever digested.