Alien Isolation. Isolated We Are.

User Rating: 9 | Alien: Isolation PS4

Space is a beautiful and vast part of our Universe and it is something that many of us can't enjoy. That's where films and games come in. Horror in space, is it something that should be tried, most definitely. As we all know, the Alien franchise has taken us into a whole world of Terror, and while the gaming universe begs for a terrifying experience within the Alien Universe, we haven't had a taste of it... 'til now. Alien Isolation takes all that we have known and pushes us down, forget everything you have done in previous games, forget running, forget about hope, it simply doesn't exist. That is what Alien Isolation is all about. We are placed into a world that we must adapt to; a beautiful and spot on vision of what we have seen in the films. The futuristic 70's, the lighting and of course, the smoke. The audio is perfect in setting the eerie tone of the world, let's not forget a very nostalgic score. All of these things bring a perfect atmosphere to a world that has fallen apart, because of one thing, the Alien. Three difficulties can set your journey, from a blissful tour with very little fear, or a terrifying trip down memory lane, and by memory lane I mean, you will be seeing a lot of what you have already seen, death. If you do decided to play on hard, then you will feel a big sense of reward every time you reach a save point. Now save points are something that we are not used to anymore, but this game brings them back in style, In the form of an emergency box. You'll see a lot of these when you first start the game, but as the hunt begins you'll be happy when you finally find one, trust me. The Alien - Ah, yes, the main attraction. It will take around 4 hours for you to be completely introduced to its terror. From then on, it is probably best to stay quiet. While the Aliens animations can look very clunky at times, you will not care, because if you can see it, it can probably see you and that is when you are vulnerable. Hiding is your safest chance of survival, you can't do this all day though. You will find and must cease a golden opportunity to progress forward. When you are introduced to the motion tracker (which is not too reliable) you will stand a better chance. The Alien will most likely be in the vents, and you will be okay if you don't sprint or walk too much. Advice, be sensible (how would you act under fear). The Working Joe! Probably my favorite enemy/foe. Their expressionless faces, there ghoulish-robotic one-liners, creepy. Very few will be friendly, the majority you come across are out to kill, and kill they will if you aren't prepared. Now comes a great but mostly useless addition to the game; Crafting! Alien Isolation uses a crafting system like The Last Of Us', obviously it isn't exactly like it, but you will see what I mean. You can craft Med-kits, pipe bombs, EMP grenades (which are effective against Working Joe's) and a lot of other things, you might not use them, I certainly don't. Oh, I advise using a noise maker, which can come in handy when you're in those "what do I do" moments. As I said, it feels a useless addition, but at moments, handy. The story itself is very interesting if you are a hardcore fan, I'll let you be the judge of it. The ship that you'll find yourself on is very vast and you will eventually go to places you've been to before, with new tools to open doors, activate areas and a few other joys here and there. Alien Isolation is a perfect addition to the Survival Horror genre, while most gamer's will disagree, I believe this to be a fresh tone to our gaming world. I will agree that this isn't a perfect game, but at the same time it is and it deserves a 9 from me, because this game captures everything we feel when we watch the first movie, fear. The gameplay is perfect and rewarding to those who can overcome the horrifying noise of the Alien as it lurks the hallways you'll find yourself in. Finally, we have a game that brings the world Ridley Scott brought us, to life. We have waited for this and it has come at last, Alien Isolation.