User Rating: 9 | Disney Alice in Wonderland DS
Since I'm a few hours into the game I will say that I could NOT agree with Kristan more regarding the review. Shes' on the money and anyone looking to get an idea of what the game is like before buying? Just follow what she has said and accept her words as accurate. Something we can't do too often in this day and age of contrary reviewers.

I agree with every word and would not change a single one. Well, alright MAYBE one... I would make the save points a bit more frequent and obvious, both of which they are not. Don't let that stop you. This is one of those surprises that comes along once in a few long time. As is common with tv or movie gone-2-game, licenses, you expect them to be tedious and poorly done and you are more often than not RIGHT.

In this case the adventure and puzzles, not to mention the great graphics style makes this game one to remember and a MUST to play. If you played Spirit Tracks and NOT THIS... shame on you. As good as spirit tracks is, you should give priority to this one as I feel it's that much better than the latest Zelda title in almost every way. It's also a better bang for your entertainment buck; IMHO.

To recap, just read Kristans review and consider yourself well informed.

Great Game, 3 Thumbs Up and Don't Miss it. Need I say more?