Finalyl a decent TV-game tie in, that stays faithfull to the programme.

User Rating: 8.5 | Alias PS2
This game, based on the popular TV show, Alias, is surprisingly good, i'm a huge fan of the show and thought that it woudl be good but i had my doubts as i know how pretty much ever movie or TV tie in always becomes a flop, either in execution or in staying faithfull toteh movie/show, but this one is different to the other ones, as it keeps faithful to the show in in most ways there are some bits in which are different such as Anna who gets a make over and skin change from the show to this game, but they are only a few minor issues that not everyone will notice. The gameplay is very good and simple to get use to. To start with the controls can be messy but you get use to them and you can do everything easily. The game throws at you puzzles which sometimes maybe challenging but nothing to hard and the combat is simple. Overall the game stays faithful to the show, and is really for the casual gamer or a fan of teh show, just looking for a game to pick up and play and enjoy, nothing too challenging nice and simple.