Wouldn't think a free game would be this good.

User Rating: 8 | Aegis Wing X360
This game is awesome. I was looking through the list o' games on XLA one day, and I noticed that this game was free. I immediately thought it would be horrible, because not even the worst XLA games are free. However, it turned out to be good, and I surprisingly became addicted to it. I have tried a buttload of times to beat the game on insane by myself, but always die on the last level.

One gripe about the game is the way that you get lives...or don't get them, let me say. When you make it to the next level in normal mode, you get all four lives back. However, in insane mode, you only have one life, so if you die, your score is gone. Still, this is probably the best free game I've ever played.