Who would have thought a game where all you press is the "A" button and the occasional "B" button co

User Rating: 8 | Aegis Wing X360
Aegis Wing is your traditional arcade game: One to two buttons, old-school graphics, dodging, and fun! Best of all it's free so anyone with an Xbox live account should download it right now!
In this game, you control a small ship in a side-scrolling aerial adventure which is, of course, to defeat the Araxia aliens who are trying to take over Europa, your home planet.
If you're playing alone, the game may be a little hard for you, since you have to take care of a huge screen of enemy invaders, by pressing the "A" button to shoot the different types of aliens and their weapons. Once in a while, you can pick up powerful weapons such as shields, to protect yourself from enemy fire for a few seconds; lasers, to kill a whole line of enemies at once; or spray fire, which fires missiles in all different directions killing close and sometimes far-range enemies.
If you're playing co-op, the game is much easier, since you and your teammate can take take care of your rightful spot on the screen. You can also connect you ships for more power. If four are playing at the same time, you can connect all your ships to form the "Epic Ship" which is useful at certain points in the levels. (forming an Epic Ship also nets you an achievement I should add)
The fun from this game comes from the variety of enemies that come at you and how you have to dodge the red bullets they fire at you. The boss fights are also pretty fun in this game.
So if you have XBL, download this game. It's free and you won't regret it.