This is the worst NES game of all time

User Rating: 1 | Action 52 NES
The first thing I'll have to say about this game is that ALL of the 52 games on cartridge really suck. They all suck gameplay and graphic wise not to mention some of these games don't work at all and all of them have various glitches that make the games very difficult to play. The sound quality is bad and the music is horrible. In this collection you have titles like Non Human, Ooze, and Cheetahmen. This might not be true, but some of the music and gameplay to me has been ripped off of other games. I think Cheetahmen is too much like Battletoads, and I think that the game Sharks is a rip off of Jaws (even though that game sucks too). If you have an NES then don't get this game, it's 200$ anyway, and all the games are bad. Even E.T. on the 2600 is better then this, and that is saying alot. Action 52 would ruin your NES.