this is worst game i ever played in my life! and i played some horrible games in my life.

User Rating: 1 | Action 52 NES
i think james rolfe ( aka avgn ) said it best.

I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY SOLD THIS **** FOR 199 DOLLARS!! That's about how much it costs for a video game console, pretty much. You can take 199 dollars, stand on a bridge and just throw it all away! You'd rather do anything than spend it on a broken down dysfunctional disaster of video game programming, with games that crash, hideous jumping control, random characters, microscopic sprites, a marathon of mediocre space shooters, dying in mid air, problems with proportion, misleading titles, misleading powerups, embarrassing weapons, seizure-inducing backgrounds, lack of enemies, games you can't win, games you can't lose, games that make no sense whatsoever, **** graphics, **** music, **** menus, and a **** of other things! It should've been illegal for them to sell this rotten **** of putrid **** for any price! I feel humiliated to live on the same planet as someone who designed an electronic abomination of this magnitude! Couldn't they have tried making one good game, as opposed to 52 horrible games? Quality over quantity. That's our lesson here. that`s how bad it is.

yeah that`s how bad it is