It's shit, utter shit. It takes a wonderful game like Minecraft and half asses the Player Versus Player component.

User Rating: 1 | Ace of Spades (2012) PC
Let me put it this way, if there were ever a game that could make you feel like both your computer specs and internet quality were utter shit. This is it.

Ace of Spades is an indie project that follows in the foot steps of Minecraft, a mulitplayer sandbox project that quickly rose to become a popular game even to this date.

However instead of building in a sandbox style game, it's more of a trashy player versus player excuse. Something that even minecraft's seemingly nonexistent and more a less existent component. The game itself is laggy, it's poorly coded, the maps themselves not very creative and the concept behind building your own defenses and attacking other players very sketchy and clunky. If you do want to attack other players, good luck actually getting it to work in your favor. The lag is so horrible you might as well be playing with a 500ms ping 100% of the time. Demolishing the landscape and other players is questionable with most weapons, most of the time its a 50 50 chance that it actually works the way you want it to. Other times most players are endlessly firing on each other with weapons that barely dent your health.

Although marked up to be a heavily popular sandbox style PvP game, it's the exact opposite. It's a marked up lagfest that makes the launch days of popular MMORPG's like World of Warcraft look like heaven.

It's money well spent on cheese puffs and ice cream to eat yourself to sleep with at another time.