A co-op adventure that is absolutely worth experiencing.

User Rating: 9 | A Way Out PS4

I'll openly admit that I totally missed out on this game when it came out back in 2018. Hell, I don't even think I knew a thing about the gameplay of "A Way Out" for the longest time; all I really knew of the game was its director, Josef Fares, and his very viral "f*ck the Oscars" speech at The Game Awards in 2017. While that was certainly a memorable moment, I did kinda sleep through its release back in 2018 (and, in my defense, "Kirby Star Allies" had just come out and I was playing that). Recently, though, my brother and I had an interest in checking the game out after the excellent time that we had with Josef's latest game "It Takes Two." That game was an absolute masterpiece, and it definitely made us interested in seeing what Josef's previous co-op adventure had in store. It turns out it had plenty to offer!

"A Way Out" is a very intriguing title with a story that twists and turns in several interesting directions. There are plenty of gut-punching, emotional moments, and the characters are complex, sympathetic, and memorable. The visual design is very solid, with plenty of awesome action set pieces, and the environments are dense and beautiful, with plenty of room for exploration. The gameplay also changes styles very often, but thankfully does so nicely without feeling unfocused. It also takes many excellent spins on multiplayer gameplay, making this a co-op adventure that really should be experienced.

There are some issues that I do have with the game, though, first and foremost being that the voice acting can feel a bit wooden at times. It's not terribly bad, but it is noticeable. Also, I think the story does have a few tonal inconsistencies here and there. It can whip between them pretty fast, and that could be a turnoff for some.

Those blemishes aside, though, "A Way Out" is a wildly enjoyable co-op adventure that delivers from top to bottom. It's a unique adventure that delivers with emotional storytelling and compelling gameplay, leaving a lasting impact long after it's over. If you haven't had a chance to experience it for yourself, I highly recommend doing so. Grab a co-op partner and have a blast.

Final rating: 9 out of 10 "Awesome"