If you're into the old school adventure games, pick this one up. If not, you might want to wait for a bargain.

User Rating: 8 | A Vampyre Story PC
Many people have been praising this game as the glorious return of the old school Lucas Arts games.
While this nostalgia bomb certainly does deliver, it doesn't quite compare to the Lucas Arts games.

Graphically the game is simply superb. The screenshots speak for themselves. There are some slight annoyances, like the 3D models sometimes contrasting the painted backgrounds and the highly repetitive animations, especially during conversations, but overall, it's really like playing a cartoon.

The puzzles are well done and should be just right for adventure veterans.

Then there's the characters and their voiceacting. I guess this is simply something you like or don't like. I thought Mona and Froderick made a great duo and were both cute and sympathetic. Actually I liked the load of puns. But obviously Gamespot disagrees.

Now there's the story. This is sadly the game's weakness. The plot doesn't present much mystery, character development, etc. In fact the story can be summed up in one sentance: Girl escapes vampiric abduction.
One may argue that it's all about how she manages to do this, but one can certainly not argue about how short it is. Sure, it's the first part of a series and it's supposed to be in an episodic format, but then this should also have an episodic price tag.

Bottom Line:
If you're into the old school adventure games, pick this one up. If not, you might want to wait for the price to come down.