Very underappreciated

User Rating: 6 | 3Xtreme PS
3xtreme is a good game. There are characters who ride bikes, ride skateboards and ride roller blades too. While racing you can pull off tricks for points, ride thru gates for points and punch your opponents to make them fall down and lose speed. In the game there are 21 characters seven bikers, seven skateboarders, and seven skaters. You start off with the first six characters, but as you get further on in the game unlock more characters (or you can just type in the code that unlocks all of the characters in the game so you don't have to wait to get them.) And to go along with that nine of the 21 characters aren't human.There are the monster characters lug nut- frankenstein (skateboard), tp-mummy (bike), and dominque- bride of frankenstein (roller blades). There are also the alien characters bink (skateboard), geep (bike), and nyub (roller blades). You can also play as the car characters red, white, and blue. Those are the characters I love using in the game and they're all really cool too. You can also play against your friends in two player mode which makes the game even more fun. 3xtreme is a good game that you should at least rent so you can find out how cool the game really is.