A demo-disc offering four demos to play and three movies to watch. "It's a smorgasbord for your mind."

User Rating: 2 | 3DO Buffet 3DO
3DO Buffet is a demo-disc containing seven games. Casper, Cyberia, Wolfenstein 3D, Kingdom: The Far Reaches, Alone In the Dark 2, Water World, and Out of This World. While Casper, Cyberia, and Water World provide only a short movie sequence, Wolfenstein 3D, Kingdom: The Far Reaches, Alone In the Dark 2, and Out of This World allow you to play through the first level of each game. The demos play perfectly and the games offered are actually very fun to play. All games play unique sounds when selected from the main menu and if you remain idle for too long at the main menu, a game is selected randomly. Nothing flashy or new here as far as demo discs go and a complete waste of time now, but a good demo-disc overall. Only about half an hour worth of content total, just skip this one and play the games instead.