Frustrating, significant gameplay issues. Looks pretty, but very hard to enjoy.

User Rating: 4 | 3D Ultra MiniGolf Adventures 2 X360
It's difficult to enjoy playing this game. Loved the first one, and I was excited to play this new one with such cool course designs and themes. The atmosphere of the game remains cheerful like the first, but the physics have changed, so if you've become a pro at the first game, you're going to have to completely relearn the sensitivity and timing for this one. It really throws you off. My biggest problem and frustration with this sequel is the fact that the walls and ridges are completely unreliable. Many times you will try to angle the ball around a corner by bouncing it off of, what seems to be, a basic edge or ridge. However, you're given a big middle finger when the game seems to choose whether or not it wants to acknowledge that wall is even there. I've gotten so many "out of bounds!" though the ball shouldn't have left the green. I do enjoy the new powerups, but the gameplay itself is just too unstable and random to feel like it takes any skill to do well. I think I'll just stick with the first game.