This game is okay, but I think it could of been a better game

User Rating: 6 | 25 to Life PS2
Graphics: 2/10

Horrible Graphics, GTA has ten times better graphics then this
Sound: 8/10

All the guns have different sounds when they are shot but there are automatic and single shot, there is no burst shot. All throw able weapons like Grenades, Molotov's and pipe bombs all have different sounds too…other stuff like the music is cool but if you don't like rap then you wouldn't like the music in this game because all rap and the music is drowned out from the bullets flying everywhere.

Controls: 8/10

The controls are very easy to learn and you learn about the controls in the first mission and the third mission. Every button has only one control for them so I don't think I need to go over anymore about the controls.

Single Player Game play: 4/10

Single player isn't really that fun and its very very short I beat it in like 4 hours with all the main and secondary objectives done but about the secondary objectives are a little weird like the second missions objective (complete the level without dying) and A.I. they don't even try to make an effort to hide they just stand out in the open waiting to be shot and which you have to laugh at them and you just gotta make fun of them and stand out in the open too plus the police A.I. don't even care if you got a hostage or not they will just blast through the hostage and kill him but other than that its all good. You get to play both sides of the Law, Criminal or Police Enforcement but the police storyline is only 3 missions long…

Online Game play: 6/10

Now the main reason why you would want to buy/rent the game. Right now it's a battle between cheaters and administers that administers are trying everything they can to stop cheaters while cheaters are trying to find out ways to bypass that so the only negative is done on to the positive stuff like when you first get online the first thing you would want to do is customize your characters, you get 4 cops and 4 criminals, there is tons and tons of stuff you can customize from head to feet for both characters. They way you can get clothing are from single player. You want to make your cop look like a regular, swat, undercover or even an army guy so be it. You want to make your criminal look like a hood gangster, or even a mafia member so be it. You can even start your own clan just like socom if fact this game is closely related to socom. The types of missions you can do is all out war, raid which is police fight criminals for the evidence the criminals are holding, robbery which is the other way around from raid; criminals fight police for the goods the police are guarding, and Tag I haven't played this one before because nobody does tag. They mostly do it in other matches. By the way, you can also make your own tag but not the style just the words and color of the tag.

Story: 4/10

There are four different stories in this game. The first one and the main one is Freeze is trying to get out of the crime life but ends up getting betrayed and he's going back for revenge. The second story is part of the police story side, you play as Officer Williams, a cop that is trying to stop the crime boss of the city. The last story is with Shaun who is trying to make his crime rank higher. Very basic and regularly used…

Weapons: 9.5/10

Both cops and criminals have different weapons from each other. You don't get to see all of them in single player but you do in online mode. Both have a melee (Cops have batons, knifes and stunners while criminals have knifes, bottles, hammers, bats and tire irons), Secondary both sides of the law have the same secondary weapon except for criminals have 9mm semi and both sides can hold them dual. Same as secondary for primary weapons (Shotguns, Sniper rifles, and Machine guns) except law enforcements have M-16's and criminals have AK-47 and Saw's and lastly, the grenades, Law enforcements have non lethal but very useful grenades (Tear Gas, Flash bang, and Smoke) while Criminals have all the lethal grenades ( Molotov, frags, HE, and pipe bombs). After the person dies he drops the weapons he was holding which allows the cops or criminals to take the opposite side of the law to take those weapons so they can hold the weapon that isn't part of there side.

Replay value: 6/10

Single player is only needed to play once to get all the clothing and then online is where all the replay value is from joining clans to just fighting. There's always something to do online.

Rent it or buy it?

I'd say rent, unless the game is $10, then it's worth buying