50 Cent Bulletproof, GTA San Andreas.. etc. 25 to Life is just another typical shoot em' up gangster game..............

User Rating: 7 | 25 to Life PC
25 To Life is suprisingly a lot of fun. The story doesn't make sense, and I wish you can use a computer controller to move instead of W,S,A,D. I personally think that this game is an ok game to pick up after your done with the Grand Theft Auto series, or Bulletproof. Single player is ok, room for a lot of improvment. Multiplayer on the other hand is very exciting and gives you extreme creativity in customizing your character. There are better things out there.... but this seems up to par to become one of your collection. Just to throw in something Crime Life: Gang Wars is completely horrible, STAY AWAY FROM THAT, I learned the hard way. Overall 25 To Life needs improvement but for $29.99 your not going completely wrong.