iight GTA San Andreas was the only game that could acomplish sumthin like this in the hood

User Rating: 5.3 | 25 to Life PS2
i dont kno y these other companies r making these games ther tryin 2 make em take place an reinact the sh!t that goes on in the ghetto but they suck at that but ther is 1 thing this game does do rite when it comes 2 the ghetto and that is be ghetto exactly ghetto nuthin good about it its poor looks like sh!t but jus like the people from the ghetto the creators of this game have 2 stick with it sayin yes this is our creatin it may not be that great but its ours. yeah if i lived in the ghetto i wouldnt be proud of it but id still represent it at the best of my abilities but im sorry if i was caught talkin 2 the creator of this game id probably be shot 4 associating with som1 that contributed 2 bullsh!t. GTA San andreas is it ther aint gunna be anymore games 2 top it so those companies should stop tryin pffff yeah this game is ghetto cause it looks like sh!t !! like c'mon if it wernt for san andreas these games would not hav been made at all stop stealin ideas u remind me of Jay-z bein a swagger jacker stealin exact ideas in this game they try and steal the portrayal of how intense life in the ghetto can be but as i already said it stole the main idea of bein ghetto bein poor and havin nuthin but havin nuthin u can turn it in2 sumthin but even this sumthin is still nuthin get this game outta here my review sais its all is cracked up 2 be cause it is!! 25 to life the creators will hav 25 plus years of remembering this disgrace!!