This is a game best suited for the bargain bin down at EB.

User Rating: 5.1 | 187 Ride or Die PS2
The graphics and physics in 187 Ride Or Die are quite good, but a game cannot be a good seller let alone a good game if all it is, is flashy cars with some gangsters shooting each other.

When I first turned on the system I was looking forward to a good racing/shooter game which I had enjoyed in previous games like this, but this one killed every thing great about the genre (If it can be put in one),
It really is quite fun getting to insane speeds zooming past SUPER SLOW pedestrian cars and blowing up the car thats just ahead of you by a hair, but this get very old, very quick, with no real change to the speed or any thing in the game except the amount of damage you can take when you buy or get a new car.

The best part about this game is the multiplayer which was the most enjoyable part for me, yet I dont have any brothers and sisters so I could only have any real fun with this game when my mates came over.

This is an enjoyable game if you like to hear swearing every 5 seconds,
or have a brother or sister that would be willing to listen to the crap that comes out of these so called gangster characters.