187 = Busta

User Rating: 6 | 187 Ride or Die PS2
When you're looking at the box for the game, you think that it sounds pretty good. Sort of like a NFS with guns so you decide to take the game to the cashier and buy it. You rush home to play your new found game and you're liking what you're seeing. After about half an hour, the enthusiasm dies down because you've managed to do the first five races in that time and here some dialogue repeated at least twice that much. Personally, i think that the 'Gangsta' talk is used too much. San Andreas made it cool because they made it work. 187 overuses it and makes the game seem like it's aimed at 10-year old kids who want to be cool. The graphics are pretty good. The crashes when you take out cars are pretty nice but overall it's nothing special. The weaponry is standard issue. You've got a pistol, an Uzi, a shotgun, a molotov cocktail, a mine, a rifle and a rocket launcher. Perhaps more variations on these would have been better along with dual-wielding. An idea i like about getting weapons is to ram your opponent so when you've just stolen their weapon you can shoot them down with it. Excellent. The story is ordinary. Some rival gangster is muscling in on your bosses turf and he wants you to get rid of him so he asks you to win races and escape parking lots to get it back for you. Overall it's an okay game but it probably won't last longer than a week so renting it would be more worthwhile.