Even though it's Bond, James Bond...It's probably better if you just rent it first.

User Rating: 6.5 | 007: Quantum of Solace WII
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It's time for the Quantum of Solace review! For the Wii!

This is my first movie-game review. And what better game to start off with than Bond, James Bond! Well actually, to tell you the truth, the only movie games I enjoyed are the Lord of the Rings games, and GoldenEye was pretty cool, which, of course, was a 007 game. But other than that, pretty much every other movie based game I've played have just downright sucked! But let's see how this game stacked up!

Since this is a movie game, I'm not going to tell you anything about the story. Sorry, but it's just too much of a spoiler. What I will say, is that you play as Bond, James Bond. Or his secret agent name, 007.

This game, as you should already know, is a first-person shooter. And, if you've seen my Conduit review, you'll know that I'm not too big a fan of first-person shooters, because, well mainly I'm just not that great at them.

But anyway, this game is just another example of get through the level, shoot down the hundreds of henchmen that get in your way, and catch the main bad guy. Although, the odds of accomplishing this in real life are just ridiculous, but that's why it's a game, or in this case, a movie. I've always felt sorry for the unnamed henchmen in movies and games. The way I see it, if you're cast into a movie as a bad guy, but your character doesn't have a name, you can pretty much guarantee yourself that you'll only be in the movie for two seconds, getting shot at and dying.

Like in every fps game I've played, and I'm going to guess for you as well, you get to hold two weapons as you make your way through the level. To gain more ammo, just walk over an ammo set to pick it up.

There are some instances in this game where you will have to solve puzzles to reach your destination, like figuring out how to cross a three-sectioned bridge, to hacking into door locks using the directional pad on the Wiimote. I really enjoyed these, too bad there's just too few of them, and they don't last very long at all.

The graphics were good. They were definitely not the best the Wii can offer, and I know, the Wii is in last place when it comes to graphics, but still. Now the cut scene animations looked great!
I did not have a problem with those. But when you're actually playing, ehh…I don't think the developers put too much oomph into it.

The controls are great for the most part. Aim with the Wiimote, fire your gun with the B button, reload by flicking the Nunchuck, and hold down the A button to sprint. Some of the problems I had with the controls though, were that one, to jump, you press the C button, and scope with the Z button. For me, I thought that these two should have been switched.

Since you will probably be jumping more often than scoping, you would want the button you would use more to be the bigger of the two. It might not sound like such a big deal, so sorry if I sound like I'm being persnickety.

Another problem I had was that when you did have to jump over any obstruction, the C button would fight you, and you would not jump, and then you would die.

A feature that I've seen in multiple Wii titles is that automatic fight mode, where you will have to perform the correct move with either the controllers, or the buttons on the controllers to kill off your enemy fast, without taking any damage. And that's what you find in this game as well. You can either sneak up, or rush your enemy to quickly take them out, without them informing any other enemies.

The voice acting was terrific! Absolutely no complaints at all! These people really know how to act!

One cool and interesting, but unrealistic feature in this game, was that when you took cover behind a wall or any other type of shelter, the camera would move into a 3rd person view, and you could aim right at your target and shoot them down, but you're character would not even try to look at where he was shooting.

So yes, it is a cool feature, but it's unrealistic because of the fact that your character really has no idea of where or what or who he's shooting at.

In multiplayer mode, you can play with up to three other friends, in either a free-for-all, or team battle. There's also sub-style of gameplay called rush, where you and/or your teammates have to complete certain scenarios before your opponents do, like hack into a computer first. The one's with the most points in the end, of course, wins.

Now I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't show you the online multiplayer. Why? Take a wild guess! Yep! That's right! My internet hates me, and refuses to be fast enough to play a simple match online.

And actually, I've read online about instances by poor souls who have actually played online matches, only to reveal that the game has horrible lag. But I'll leave that up to you.

Quantum of Solace is a good game, despite its numerous flaws. Good graphics, very good controls, excellent voice acting, fun LOCAL multiplayer, and of course, you get to play as Bond, James Bond.

But the downsides that I found, were one, the graphics, even though I said were good, really could have been tuned up a lot more, the C button would battle with you on occasion, I think the C and Z button functions should have been switched, and the over your shoulder gun technique was cool, but unrealistic which was disappointing.

I can't really say if the online multiplayer was a pro or con, because of my horrible internet speed. But from what I've read online, I don't think I'm missing anything special.

So overall, this game was pretty fun to play, but I just don't think it's worth it. If you want a first-person shooter game for the Wii, and is VERY FUN, go out and buy The Conduit. I bet you'll have a lot more fun with it than this game.

This game gets a 3.25/5 with the title of Good.

0-1.5=Total Crap!