A good game, with good multiplayer games.

User Rating: 8.5 | 007: NightFire (Platinum) PS2
To be honest I never would have thought of myself as being someone who plays James Bond games. I mean I can't watch a whole movie, mostly because I start watching them at midnight at by that time can't be bothered staying up any later. But back to the game, I really enjoyed this game. It's perfect for everybody because even if it's your first gun/covert/action game there is free play(multiplayer with no second player), so you can really get warmed up to all the different settings and finding one that's good for you. And honestly it's got one of those story lines where it's different every time. So you can play over and over again, with three different levels for the newbies, the ams and the vets.I think you will find with this game you will never get bored, if you have ever played it you will know and if you haven't... Get out and buy one, I loved this game and would strongly recommend it to my friends.