Old school simplicity that's easy to play, but hard to master, and very fun.

User Rating: 9 | / ESCAPE \ IOS
You won't find a lot of games for your mobile device that offer gameplay that's fast, responsive, and rewarding of your skill like /ESCAPE is. It's old school pixelated perpetual gameplay that just gets gradually more challenging the better you do. All you do is tap the screen to jump back and forth up the never-ending shaft, avoiding the spikes along the way up. The higher you climb the tighter the spikes, giving you less margin for error. If you fail to climb fast enough, the laser climbing beneath you will finish you off, keeping you moving at a brisk pace, making it all the more challenging as you reach difficult heights.

As stated you climb by tapping the screen. You jump higher by tapping and holding on the screen and can do combo jumps by timing big leaps properly which is essential when you get way up there as the laser chasing you will be moving really fast. It's an intuitive system that's easy to get into, but takes some practice to get really good at it. Once the controls feel like an extension of your mind, you'll continue to reach new heights that seemed once impossible.

There's only one song in the game that gets looped and plays non stop as you perform your futile escape. It's fast paced and catchy, and has that retro SNES/GAME BOY type sound. It suites the game perfectly and just makes the game better.

Gameplay sessions are perfectly suited for on the go playing, since one game only takes about a minute to play. However, it's addicting enough to keep playing for 15, 30, 60 minutes or more. So many mobile games have you doing the same boring thing over and over, where the only rewards come from grinding out cash and buying new stuff to help you grind out even more cash. The gameplay isn't well tuned to just challenge you. This is, and that's why you come back to it. You always believe you could've gotten further than what you did, and the only thing that stopes you was your skill, not some dumb thing you need to unlock, or a special IAP you need to make.

The only thing i wouldve like out of it would be a leaderboard, global or local. Id like to see a long list of all the top scores i acheived.The game is only a buck to go mobile with it and it's well worth it. You CAN play it for free online too.

Side note- high score- 605meters