An absolute enthralling adventure from start to finish

User Rating: 10 | God of War PS4

This is a game you MUST play. Even if you disliked the other games, this game does so many things right that it makes it very easy to forgive the very few shortcomings that it does have. Is it perfect? No game is and this isn't either. Yet it does so many things greatly that it is another reason to buy a PS4 if you don't have one already.

To start off the graphics are downright gorgeous. Every detail has such a fine tune to it and everything fits well. Nothing feels rushed and all the textures are gorgeous. If you have a 4k TV and a PS4 Pro this is one game that makes a difference and the HDR effect is great as well. Everything runs smoothly. I played in resolution mode and didn't really notice any slow down. It runs at a smooth 30 FPS and while there is a mode that uses 1080p resolution and a higher FPS I found that the resolution mode was gorgeous and fluid. I didn't care about it being 30 FPS.

The voice acting is superb all the way around. Kratos has a terrific voice actor and everything from Kratos's child to the antagonist and the side characters are all well voiced. Everyone did a great job from start to finish and it shows. The music is great as well and all the sound effects are perfectly done. The sound really makes the world feel that much more realistic and immersive.

The combat is very entertaining and it feels a bit more weighty in terms of the swings. It's not slow like Dark Souls but it does have a good bit of weight to it. Everything is fluid as well and the enemies are varied. If I have one complaint it's the game could use a few more bosses. Besides the main antagonist, there are only a handful of bosses. They tend to reuse the 'troll' boss too many times and it would've been nice to throw in a few more. Perhaps in an update, they'll do this but it's not a big deal but it would've been a nice feature. Speaking of bosses, the few it does have are all fun and entertaining. The first major boss fight is downright one of the most epic bosses I've seen in a game in a very time and the final boss is very similar to the first one and has a very much 'Zack Snyder' feel to it. Each time these encounters happen it really sets the stage and ramps up the already excellent action.

On normal I found it to be pretty hard. It relies on the right equipment and the enemies do pull a good punch and while it's not Dark Souls difficult it will take an inexperienced player multiple times to get through the tough encounters. There are plenty of checkpoints though so it never feels too overwhelming but for those who get frustrated, there is an easy mode. I found the easy mode while much easier and more forgiving does have moments where if you're not alert you can easily die. To those who are not experienced with action games and don't want to be frustrated that mode is available but the normal mode is challenging but it can be doable with the right amount of patience.

I'm not a hardcore gamer so I didn't even attempt the harder modes but they're there. I hear they're as expected, even more so challenging.

Side quests are thrown around and they're plentiful. They never feel like they're out of place too. These next to Horizon Zero Dawn's sidequests are very well done and worth going through. There are puzzles and they're not too intimidating. Only one was one I needed to consult a walkthrough for. It definitely has less box pushing than the other games and that's very refreshing.

The story is great. It starts off simple enough and then a mysterious enemy appears. At first, it seems like this isn't even the same Kratos but it does have connections to the other games. I'm not a huge fan of the other games in the series but this one was well worth it. It adds just enough context to get someone who hasn't played the other games up to speed and it's its own story so it doesn't feel too overwhelming.

Since the game has Kratos's son, I can report he is excellent and adds to the experience. He's a little annoying in the beginning but he grows on you and so does his combat effectiveness. He becomes a valuable asset in fights and really can help tip the balance. The antagonist is also great, at first, it's uncertain who the main antagonist is but he really ends up being a tragic villain and helped move the story along. The only issue with the story is that it tends to pull a 'your princess is in another castle' trope with the goal in line but then something comes in the way. It feels like the length is a bit padded, especially near the end, yet besides all this, it isn't that big of a deal but it's there.

Besides those small issues I mentioned, this is a fantastic game, while it's not perfect, it's still a 10 because of how well everything works and how it's an exciting adventure from start to finish. There is no new game + as of now but the game is so well done you'll probably want to replay it soon after you finish it. It's one well worth owning and keeping forever. Consider this one of the best exclusives for the system and an argument to get the system if you don't have one already.