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God Of War PS4 Director's Next Project Teased At A Very High Level

If you thought God of War was Cory Barlog's "magnum opus," think again, Duncan Jones says.


This year's new God of War for PS4 was a critical and commercial success, but what might that game's director, Cory Barlog, do next? It could be even bigger than the PS4 game.

Duncan Jones, the director of the Warcraft movie and the son of musician David Bowie, recently met with Barlog to get Barlog's feedback on one of his scripts. And apparently during this conversation, Barlog shared some details on his own next project.

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"If you think that God of War is his magnum opus, just you wait!" Jones wrote on Twitter (via, presumably teasing Barlog's next project.

Barlog later quote-tweeted a news story about this with the shocked face emoji, to which Jones acknowledged his role in breaking the news that Barlog was making something new.

"I admit. I am the one who uncovered the scoop that @corybarlog has not retired!" he said.

It'll be very intriguing to see what Barlog makes next, whether it be a new God of War game or something else entirely. We'll be watching closely. Sony Santa Monica hasn't announced any new projects, officially.

At PAX West this year, Barlog shared some ideas for potential Superman games, one of which was a coming-of-age tale about a young Clark Kent, according to Game Informer.

What would you like to see Barlog make next? Let us know in the comments below!

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