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Get Two Free Games With An Xbox One X Right Now [Last Chance]

Start off your game collection with two freebies.


Since its launch in November, deals on the Xbox One X have been few and far between. Microsoft launched a promotion giving away PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds with the purchase of the system, but otherwise, there haven't been many offers involving the new, more powerful Xbox One console. A new deal is now available, and while it doesn't make the system any cheaper, it does get you a pair of freebies.

Over on Newegg, the retailer is currently selling the Xbox One X for its usual price of $500, but with two free games thrown in. The first of these is Mass Effect: Andromeda, last year's RPG which was not received quite as warmly as earlier entries in the series but has improved through post-launch patches. The other freebie is Titanfall 2, the excellent 2016 shooter which has received an Xbox One X update, bringing visual enhancements for those playing on an X.

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The offer has been available for a few days and will be going away after today, January 8. Shipping is free to most of the United States. However, take note that the bundle is non-returnable. If that free copy of PUBG sounds more desirable, it's still available for a short while longer through select retailers, as outlined here.

After a flurry of deals throughout the holiday season, game sales have slowed to some extent in the new year. That said, the latest batch of weekly Xbox One and 360 deals are live and feature some nice offers, such as Diablo III: Eternal Collection for $30. Additionally, Xbox Live Gold members can now grab the first of January's free Games With Gold titles, which include The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing III.

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