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MAK and TEN Team Up

MAK Technologies, developers of software for military simulations, will create an online-only space combat game for TEN.


Total Entertainment Network (TEN) and MAK Technologies are teaming up on a new space exploration and combat game for online play, which should be available this September. It's one of TEN's new online-only exclusive titles. It will run on MAK's military networking technology, which TEN has licensed from MAK, and it features a persistent environment that will initially support 100 players, with a potential for 1,000.

The agreement between the two companies isn't limited to this one title, and TEN may license the technology for future games, though MAK is keeping mum on what those projects might be. MAK, a company that creates tools to help the military make simulations, recently entered the gaming market and is producing the first game ever made in conjunction with the Department of Defense - MEU-31, an amphibious assault game for training Marines. MAK is seeking a publisher to bring the title to the home market.

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