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Hipnotic Promises Plenty of SiN

Activision will be publishing Hipnotic Interactive's SiN, a first-person action game that uses the Quake engine.


Hipnotic Interactive, fresh from developing Scourge of Armagon for Quake, has signed with Activision, publisher of Quake Mission Pack #1: Scourge of Armagon, to release a new title. SiN is a first-person game using the Quake engine, and it's Hipnotic's first standalone title.

SiN is due early next year, and Hipnotic promises a compelling plot along with immersive gameplay. The player will become the leader of an elite strike force hired to rid a city of crime, vice, and yes, sin in the 21st century. He must take down criminals and mutants in an attempt to locate the real source of the crime epidemic - and do so across and through six distinct game environments. Currently, Hipnotic has screenshots from the game on its web site and is asking for feedback about characters and their modus operandi.

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