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DID Joins Debate Over F-22

Whose F-22 is it anyway? Digital Image Design invites Lockheed Martin, NovaLogic, and Interactive Magic for a chat.


Digital Image Design today revealed itself as the latest company to jump into the F-22 Raptor fray. The company released its own statement about the possible exclusive licensing deal between defense contractor Lockheed Martin and game developer NovaLogic regarding the use of military vehicles in games.

As GS News reported last week, Interactive Magic was asked by Lockheed to stop using the name and likeness of Lockheed's aircraft.

DID said that it hasn't been contacted by either Lockheed or NovaLogic regarding its F-22 Raptor game, TFX3-F22, which remains in development. Nevertheless, DID wants to go on record as saying that flight simulations are created for the public. "It would be wrong to deny the very group of people who have helped shape our industry any future freedom of choice borne out of incomprehensible disagreement," said the statement.

As a result, DID Managing Director Martin Kenwright is inviting IMagic, NovaLogic, and Lockheed Martin to meet in an open forum for amicable discussion.

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