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Bethesda's E3 Lineup

The 10th Planet and The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard will make appearances at June's trade show.


Bethesda just released the names of four games it will be displaying at Atlanta's E3 trade show. The company promises big announcements at the show, as well.

Two of the titles are due in August: XCar: Experimental Racing, is a racing sim that should be released after being pushed back for some special enhancements, and Battlespire (tentative title) is the next installment of a popular RPG series with some combat-oriented gameplay included.

The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard, due in November, is an action-adventure with a bit of swashbuckling piracy involved, and The 10th Planet, which has been shown at E3 before, is a space combat game finally coming out in October.

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