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Watch Assassin's Creed Movie Stars in First Macbeth Trailer

Enthralling trailer for the upcoming Shakespeare movie highlights performances of Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard.


The first trailer for the upcoming movie Macbeth has arrived, giving us a first look at Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard in their lead roles. It's a powerful trailer. I've watched it twice so far.

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Based on the trailer at least, Macbeth seems like it will feature all the suffering and pain you'd expect from an adaptation of Shakepeare's classic. Don't expect to leave the theater with a smile on your face after watching this one.

Macbeth has significant ties to the upcoming Assassin's Creed movie, as Fassbender and Cotillard will star in that film. What's more, Macbeth director Justin Kurzel is also directing the Assassin's Creed project.

The Assassin's Creed movie starts filming in September. It is due to hit theaters in December 2016.

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