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Street Fighter 6 Open Beta Coming Later This Month, Will Feature 8 Characters

Ryu, Ken, and more are coming back for one more beta test.


After two closed beta tests and a recent demo launch, Street Fighter fans might have thought there'd be no more chances to play the next installment before its June 2 launch. However, Capcom has announced a surprise Street Fighter 6 open beta test, which will run May 19-21.

The open beta will feature all of the content from the second closed beta test, which took place just before the holidays on December 16-19. That test centered around the Battle Hub, Street Fighter 6's online lobby where players could customize characters, challenge each other to matches, or play classic Capcom games via in-game arcade cabinets.

The roster for the open beta will also be the same as the second closed beta test, with a list of playable characters that includes the following:

  • Ryu
  • Guile
  • Ken
  • Chun-Li
  • Juri
  • Luke
  • Jamie
  • Kimberly

The surprise open beta follows the launch of Street Fighter 6 Demo Version, which gave players a taste of the game's World Tour story mode. Characters created in the demo will carry over to the full game when it launches next month, but those created in the open beta will not.

Street Fighter 6 launches June 2 for Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC. The open beta test will be available to download for free on all platforms the game is releasing for except PlayStation 4 beginning May 19.

Jason Fanelli on Google+

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