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VR-1's E3 Lineup

Microsoft and VR-1 will team up to give gamers at E3 a Microsoft Fighter Ace experience.


VR-1, a company that makes "massively multiplayer" games, has unveiled its E3 lineup. Its five titles include Microsoft Fighter Ace, an aerial combat game set during World War II; UltraCorps, a browser-based galactic strategy title; The S.A.R.A.C. Project, a submarine combat title; Nomads of Klanth, for fantasy vehicle combat; and VR-1 Crossroads, which is a text-based RPG.

At the June trade show, VR-1 will be teaming up with Microsoft to demonstrate the multiplayer capabilities of Microsoft Fighter Ace, which is due out this summer on Microsoft's Internet Gaming Zone. Seven terminals will be set up between the companies' respective booths for play. VR-1's president, Mike Moniz, will also participate in a speaking panel called "Online Distribution Strategies."

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