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Resident Evil May Grace the Nintendo 64 Yet

Capcom may be putting Resident Evil on a cartridge.


In an interview with Japanese gaming magazine Dengeki Nintendo 64, Capcom's Yoshiki Okamoto said that the company is looking into getting Biohazard (aka Resident Evil in the US) onto a 128 megabit cartridge - the largest cart format currently used for Nintendo 64 games. This doesn't mean that Capcom is actually porting the game to the N64, but rather points to evidence the company has looked into it.

Additionally, Okamoto says that he has ideas for a "ninja" version of Resident Evil. The game would employ a similar interface, but would take place within a trap-filled ninja house. The translation of the interview appears on Unofficial N64 Headquarters.

When contacted, Capcom Entertainment would not confirm or deny reports that Resident Evil is in the works for the N64 platform.

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