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Nintendo To Rerelease N64 Favorites

In Japan, Nintendo Co. Ltd. rereleases Wave Race and Super Mario 64 - both with some improvements.


Nintendo Co. Ltd. has announced its summer promotions, which include rereleasing Mario 64 and Wave Race. The 'Shindou' (or "rumble") versions of these games will be different than their original releases.

Mario, for example, has more speech in the new version (which is probably closer to the US version that came out last year with the launch of the N64).

Wave Race 64 will have a ghost race option where you can see a ghost form of yourself and your fastest course times/records. You can save up to two ghost times on the N64's memory pack.

The games will be released on July 17, and are endorsed by actress/singer and cute girl Ryoko Hirosue, the same girl who was featured in Star Fox 64 ads in Japan. Hirosue's 17th birthday is shared by the rerelease of the two games. Additionally, when Japanese gamers purchase the new 'Shindou' versions of the games, they will receive a hand fan with Hirosue's picture on it.

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