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New Saga Of Tanya The Evil Movie Clip Revealed; Tanya Still Can't Catch A Break

The monster in a little girl's skin returns.


A brand-new clip taken from what appears to be the start of the upcoming anime film, Saga of Tanya the Evil the Movie, has been released. Above, you can also watch the official trailer for the movie, which is set to release internationally on May 16.

In the new clip, the titular Tanya is flying through the air alongside her 5th Aerial Mage Wing in order to defeat the enemy army, the Free Republic. However, when the enemy is nowhere to be found, Tanya realizes she and her battalion have fallen for a trap designed to stretch their troops and leave their main force exposed. Rather than return to aid the main force, Tanya decides to do the unexpected and lead the small battalion in a direct assault on the enemy's HQ, hoping to destroy the Free Republic's leadership and confuse their soldiers.

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Now Playing: Saga Of Tanya The Evil: The Movie - Official Preview

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Saga of Tanya the Evil the Movie acts as a direct sequel to the 2017 anime series, taking place immediately after the events of the show. The anime follows a man who's pushed to his death, only for a mysterious voice to begin demanding the man refer to it as God before the man is allowed into heaven. Being an atheist, the man refuses and instead calls the voice Being X. Being X, thinking the man lacks faith and needs more time to learn the power of belief, reincarnates the man in a version of early 1900s Germany, called the Empire, that exists in an alternate world.

The man is reborn as a girl named Tanya, but retains all the memories of her previous life. Recognizing the similarities to Earth's history, Tanya uses her knowledge of how major events are bound to transpire, as well as her cunning intellect, to become one of the most formidable pilots in the Empire's air force. Her hope is to rise in the ranks and then lead a life of relaxation on the rear lines as war with the Empire's neighbors begins to grow. However, Being X sets events in motion that push Tanya to the front, and also begins to escalate the conflicts that will inevitably start a world war.

You can find the Saga of Tanya the Evil series on Crunchyroll if you need to catch up before watching the movie. Tanya and her allies also star in a non-canon anime, Isekai Quartet, which sees all the characters from Saga of Tanya the Evil, Konosuba, Re:Zero, and Overlord get transported to Earth and attend high school together.

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