Not bad.

User Rating: 6.8 | Star Wars: Rebel Assault II - The Hidden Empire PC
The first Star Wars game I ever owned I think, and I was totally immersed in the game. But I found it quite difficult and at times unfun. Fun seems to be a constant lacking in Star Wars games but this one has a little bit, but technology was limited back in those days.

The game has a few scenarios. Fly your X-Wing and shoot tie fighters is one, guide the Milenium Falcon through obstacles and shoot strom troopers. It is quite restrictive and quite terrible by today's standards but still I remember I had a ball with it. Hardly fun anymore, it would be considered quite forgettable. The game is restrictive. You can't move around the space when your shooting enemies, you have to duck and shoot and so on. However the music and the sound effects are quite good and flying through obstacles is quite tricky. It's definately worth a look to those keen Star Wars fans.
