Cheats & Guides

Shin Megami Tensei Cheats For Turbo CD

  1. Free Money

    Enter the Knife store. Pick the first option to buy any knife you want. Now, highlight the second option (Sell), hold I and you'll go into the sell menu. While still holding I, press II and you'll be asked if you want to sell the knife. In here, release I and press it again to say Yes (first option) to selling the knife. You'll be asked another question (if you want to sell anything else), highlight Yes (first option) and again, hold I. If done right, you'll be back on the sell menu screen and the knife you just sold will still be there. Repeat the same process as many times as you want to increase your cash.

    Contributed by: ReyVGM 

  2. Buy Hidden Items

    Enter any store. Highlight the first option (Buy), hold I and you'll go into the buy menu screen. While still holding I, press II and you'll be asked to buy an item not shown in their menus. The item varies from store to store.

    Contributed by: ReyVGM 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
In-Depth Guides Demon Alignment FAQ by Roto_Arel 195K

Shin Megami Tensei Cheats For Super Nintendo

  1. Shop Glitch

    Go into any shop that will allow you to sell items, select "Sell", and then press (and hold down) the "A" button, once it displays your inventory, without letting go of the "A" button, press the "B" button. A dialogue box will display asking if you would like to sell your Attack Knife. Select "Yes", and you'll be paid for the Attack Knife, regardless of whether or not you had an Attack Knife in your inventory (if you do have an Attack Knife in your inventory, you won't lose it). This can be done an infinite number of times to accrue large amounts of money.

    Repeating the same process, but substituting "Sell" with "Buy", one can purchase items one should not be able to purchase from that shop (such as a Hiko-Bari from the DRUGS shop in the Kichijouji arcade at the beginning of the game).

    Contributed by: hrvy 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides FAQ by Re-Miel 349K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Infinity Dragon 297K
In-Depth Guides Demon Alignment FAQ by Roto_Arel 195K
In-Depth Guides Demon FAQ by Shadowsithe 18K
In-Depth Guides Item PAR Codes by Dragon Wizard 6K
In-Depth Guides Majin Guide by Nakratos 41K
Maps and Charts Cathedral Level B1 Map by Mewseeker 6K
Maps and Charts Shinjuku Basement Floor 1 Map by LordDavias 42K
Patch Codes Demon PAR Codes by seannachie 7K
Patch Codes Pro Action Replay Codes by hrvy 25K

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides FAQ by Re-Miel 349K
In-Depth Guides Demon Alignment FAQ by Roto_Arel 195K
In-Depth Guides Majin Guide by Nakratos 41K

Shin Megami Tensei Cheats For Game Boy Advance


    After you save the game for the first time, A-Mode DDS will be unlocked from your main screen, if you choose to go back to the main screen after saving. More options in A-Mode DDS will be unlocked after you beat the game once.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Save the game once "A-Mode DDS" option
    Beat the game once More options in A-Mode DDS

    Contributed by: MahaLovesKoEh 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
In-Depth Guides Demon Alignment FAQ by Roto_Arel 195K

Shin Megami Tensei Cheats For iOS (iPhone/iPad)

  1. Skip Boss Battles with the Four Heavenly Kings

    After the alignment lock on Neutral and Law playthroughs, you have to fight the Four Heavenly Kings. If you have them in your party when you enter their rooms, you will be able to skip the boss fight with any of the four members you have in your team at the time you enter.

    Contributed by: MarthsCape 

Shin Megami Tensei Cheats For Sega CD

  1. CD OST

    If you put the game disc in a CD player, you'll be able to listen to the soundtrack starting with Track 2.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
In-Depth Guides Demon Alignment FAQ by Roto_Arel 195K