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Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 Launch Trailer Has Sword-Fighting, Beautiful Vistas, And A Tornado

The journey--inside and out--begins tomorrow.


Medieval Iceland awaits Senua in Hellblade 2. The new launch trailer for the sequel showcases the striking vistas that will be explored in the game, as well as bloody battles with swords and even a tornado ripping across the land.

The video--seen below--features "Animal Soul" by Norwegian songwriter Aurora, giving the launch trailer the vibes of a music video. The song also does a good job conveying the horrors and beauty players will likely encounter in Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2. We see the earth literally being ripped up from the ground at one point. Then, later, a serene landscape is spotlighted, with snow-covered mountains, a waterfall, and the ocean.

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Now Playing: Senua's Saga: Hellblade II - Official Launch Trailer (ft. 'Animal Soul' by AURORA)

The sequel will come out in a matter of hours. Last week, the Hellblade 2 launch times were revealed, with the Ninja Theory-developed game releasing at 1 AM PT / 4 AM ET in the US tomorrow, May 21. Hellblade 2 will also be available on Xbox Game Pass, as all of Microsoft's first-party titles continue coming to the subscription on day one of availability. Additionally, PC specs for Hellblade 2 have been detailed in preparation for the game's release.

GameSpot has gotten early hands-on with the game, leading to discovering that one of the coolest parts of Hellblade 2 is the rocks. No, it's not a joke. There are visual tricks on outcroppings that can lead to secret tunnels for Senua. Playing off this, Senua's perception of her psychosis changes throughout the upcoming sequel.

Hellblade 2 will be available on PC and Xbox Series X|S.

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