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Pokemon: Ultimate Journeys, Ash Ketchum's Last Adventure, Is Up For Preorder At Amazon

You can also get nice deals on a bunch of other Pokemon anime on Blu-ray and DVD.


The Pokemon anime is still going strong over 25 years after Ash chose Pikachu, but Pokemon: Ultimate Journeys brought Ash's quest to become the very best to a close last year. The anime has since continued without Ash and his best pal, but multiple DVD releases starring the popular Pokemon master are still on the horizon. Most notably, Ash's farewell in Pokemon: Ultimate Journeys is available to preorder now at Amazon. Plus, you can get a nice discount on Pokemon XY: The Complete Series ahead of its release next month.

For more Pokemon anime, you'll find dozens of Pokemon DVDs and Blu-rays on sale at Amazon. The list is quite extensive, so there's bound to be something that catches your eye.

Best Pokemon Blu-ray Deals

Best Pokemon DVD Deals

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