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New Look: Alone in the Dark 4

Things have been very quiet regarding Alone in the Dark 4 for the PlayStation, PC, and Dreamcast - until now. New screens inside.


There are only a few games out there that have an impact on the whole gaming industry. One of those games was Alone in the Dark, developed and published by Infogrames. Smash hits like Resident Evil were just a logic evolution of what had begun with Alone in the Dark. It was the first game that featured rendered backgrounds and 3D polygonal characters placed over them, combined with fixed camera angles. Capcom, which doesn't deny that the roots of the series came from Alone in the Dark, took many of the ideas further and landed a big hit with Resident Evil. Other games like Silent Hill seem to have been influenced a lot by the tension of the AITD series.

After the announcement that there would be a fourth part in the Alone in the Dark series, things got rather quiet regarding the game. But now we have big news for you, and we break the silence with some hot new screenshots of Alone in the Dark 4. While Infogrames wasn't specific as to which version these shots were taken from (the PC, Dreamcast, or PlayStation), they do give a great impression of what to expect from the game.

Enjoy these fine screenshots, and stay tuned for a lot more on the game soon.

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