this game got me in trouble (for real)!

User Rating: 9 | Zoom! GEN
well it started in 2005. a school night. i was only in 8th grade and i got this game for christmas. it was fun. so fun i had to beat it. my bedtime on a school night then was 9:30 PM Eastern Time. but you know what? my dad caught me at 11:30 PM (and when i just beat it). You did not want to be in my room then. so anyway, this game is a classic. all you do is run around a grid and make all the squares flash the same color while avoiding enemies. that was fun. when you first play it, you're gonna be like " allright what do i do?" hey you'll figure it out. once you get the hang of it, its pretty fun

fkerhigreg hfgrjignjire ngjrniefg nughnrign ngjrnegu8t ngurth4
i quit

fnu4h8 hf78r3h8 hut843y gj850p4jng9tjm43 yt4eyhytr hj68539-y jg8t9uj523 jgitj5930 gm8543ju6gi534

sorry that was random ( I had to do that)