Picks up after a while, but by then it's to late.

User Rating: 5.5 | ZooCube GBA
This game gets very boring, very quickly. Only one mode. All it involves is a rotating cube. It really doesn’t get any lamer. Yes, its original, but they don’t manage to pull it off. The levels mean nothing; all that is different is the colour of the sky in the background. It does however make you keep playing. After playing for about thirty minutes, it does grow on you. This may be good, but it means it isn’t a pick-up-and-play game, which is what a puzzle game should be.
There is no music at all, while there are probably only five different noises in the entirety of the game. Also, the noises mostly consist of annoying boings, which after a while drive you mental.
The graphics are pretty good for a Gba puzzle game, and all the moving three-dimensional objects are handled very well. The style of the 3d objects gives it a unique look and feel, unlike anything else in the gba, or any other console.
It makes you play for a while, but within a week you will most likely get bored and give up. Don’t knock until you give it a go though, it does get better.

Gameplay: 6/10 Picks up after a while, but doesn’t improve.
Sound: 1/10 No music present at all.
Style: 9/10 Creates a unique style, which has yet to be copied.
Length: 5/10 Not much there to keep you hooked.

Overall: 5.3 Picks up after a while, but by then it is too late.