Zoo Vet Review

User Rating: 1.5 | Zoo Vet PC
What the crap? A game that makes you take care of badly designed animals at a random zoo with creepy workers? Really, their scary. They don't move and the voice acting is terrible. They all sound like they want nothing more then to touch you in places you don't want them to touch. The art sucks, the gameplay is dumbfounded, the game is glitchly, and it's not even beatable. Halfway through the game you stop being able to help more animals. I just though maybe you had to get some kind of award for doing all the current animal's perfectly. But after I done that, nothing. The game just comes to a stop and nothing else happens. Your stuck in Limbo doing the same animals over and over, until the game just bugs out and randomly untinstalls itself from your computer which is a good sign, 'cause now you don't have to play it anymore. I'd rather have all the desecrated sick animals gang up on me and hump me to death or until my freaking head rolls off into a hippo's mouth filled with broken teeth and broken dreams. Cya