Should of been better, MGS2 demo was good though!

User Rating: 7.5 | Z.O.E.: Zone of the Enders (PlayStation 2 the Best) PS2
When i got this game i had only one thought, this is going to be great, its even been produced by Hideo Kojima and it looks brilliant. But once you look past the fact that its got Hideo Kojima's name on it, its trully disappointing. The graphic were quite nice but not as nice as MGS2, the gameplay started out fun but started to get bored and very reptative but in a way that wasn't much of a problem. the interactive worlds were a nice feature so when you shoot abuilding it does take damage and collapse making it more realistic. the music in the game is the same used in the anime they could of at least made up so new music and the voice over were decent enough but mainly the length of the game was annoying first time through 7 hours second time was 4 1/2 hours and it really doesn't offer much in replay value just using all the weapons you've aquired from the start . so in the end a good game to rent but could and should of been alot better.