Quite a dissappointment when put next to Kojima's other work.

User Rating: 6.6 | Z.O.E.: Zone of the Enders (PlayStation 2 the Best) PS2
I don't want people to think that I'm comparing this game to metal gear solid or anything, because Zone of Enders and MGS are both completely different games.

I bought this game because I am a real fan of Kojima's work, and I hadn't ever played it before. I started to play on normal mode, and I have to admit that the controls aren't all too hard to get used to, and they are pretty fun at first, but within a couple of hours they do get old.

You will quickly develop your own style of battling enemies, and you will use it throughout the entire game. You’ll eventually find that you are just repeating the same steps in every fight you come to, and it gets kind of old. (don't think that this is imposible because of all the different types of enemies, because there is only 3 types, not including bosses) Sub-weapons would usually throw this off, but there really is no need to use any of the sub-weapons. (besides the first time when you use the sniper rifle) If you do use a sub-weapon, then you will probably find one or two that you like, and just use those as part of your battle strategy.

I’d like to say that the story saves this game, but that would be a lie. If you want the story for this game, then watch gundam seed. It has pretty much the same message behind it, and it lasts a lot longer. For those of you that haven’t watched gundam seed, basically, kid gets in danger, kid gets mech, kid pilots mech one time, kid is basically forced to be the pilot of the mech, kid whines about not wanting to kill or be part of a war, kid does it anyway. Grant it there is more to it than that, but all I’m saying is that I’ve seen it before, and it was way better in the other series.

The characters weren’t handled very well either. In this game I only know the name of the main character, (Leo) the main enemy, (Viola) and the computer (Ada). None of the other 3 characters in the game made enough of an impression for me to remember their names. You know nothing about any of the character except the main kid.

I got to the end of the game in 4 hours, and when I hit that point in the game I actually said, “finally, things are going to get interesting.” Then the credits started to role, and I just kept trying to convince myself that I had only gotten past the intro part of the game, but no. I had beaten the entire game in four and a half hours. Don’t think that I rushed either. I’m certain I could beat this game in under 3 hours if I wanted to.

The one thing I really did like about this game was the graphics. I was quite surprised with how good they were, since I knew the game was so old. The very few mechs that are in the game look really nice, and so do the people.

All in all, it would be a good rental, but I don’t suggest buying it. I paid 8 bucks for a used copy, and I still feel gypped. You may like the game more than me though, heck one guy gave it a perfect, so don’t take my review as fact. You need to decide for yourself.