Pretty good game, worth the 7 bucks I paid for it, but too short!

User Rating: 8 | Z.O.E.: Zone of the Enders (PlayStation 2 the Best) PS2
Ok I was 7 or something when I played this game at my friends house. This was when PS2's cost $350+ and the older era of N64 and PS1 was fading away. I fell in love with the graphics and the ability to blast away cruel enemies with a single power-blast type move. I forgot about the game, and there I am in EB Games one day, 5 years later, when someone accidentally bumps me into the shelf. A few games tumble off the shelf and as I turn the last box over I silently gasp, it was Zone of the Enders. The memories of playing this game in a dark room at 1:00 in the morning and being so happy I could finally do something successfully in a new generation video game (I was 7 and I had never seen the new style of controller now present on all consoles) all flooded back to me. The game only cost 7$ and I had gotten my PS2 about 6 months before so I decided to add it to my collection. I took it home, and completed the story in about 6 and a half hours, showing the game's now present length. The graphics still look good, and I really like playing my old friend in multiplayer. I will never remember this game as being the game that the demo for Metal Gear Solid 2 came with, It will be the game that I first ever played for the PS2, and still remains one of my favorites.