Zone of the Enders is one of a kind but has some flaws that brought it down.

User Rating: 7.8 | Z.O.E.: Zone of the Enders (PlayStation 2 the Best) PS2
So this game is basically a fast pace action robot game developed by creator Hideo Kojima - Metal Gear Solid. Story: 7/10
You play through the game is Leo which is a kid that lost his friends and family during combat of the LEVS on his homeplanet. Leo begins his adventure on the orbital frame aka as Jehuty with the help of ADA aka as the battle system AI. At some points in the game Leo can be very annoying, whines a lot, and gets you frustrated where you jsut want to throw your controller at the screen. So you are trying to figure out why your planet has been attacked by these unkown forces of bahram and why this orbital frame was on your planet. The story is very short in this game.. and it dosn't take long to finish the game. So if you can sit through a fast action game with robots but a very annoying main character, then i recommend this game to you.

Gameplay: 8/10
Camera angles has always been a flaw in most game. But this game has good camera angels, but sometimes the lock on system does not work like you want to. It can be very frustrating at times when facing a hard oppenent. other then that the controls are very simple to use, Your basic attack button is the Square button and R2 for your dash button. You have 2 different types of combat, close quater combat and far range combat. Depending how close or far you are from the enemy unit, the 2 different combat system will be activated. The game is very face pace for a robot action game similar to your Gundam Series, yet sometimes it can be a pain.

Graphics: 9/10
Visually the orbital frames and CG is very good looking in this game. There are many visual scenes in the game and most are CG made. Your typical CG graphics look similar to most games to the ps2, so there is not much difference in the game. Other then that, the small cutscenes in the game are really smooth and look very nice.

Sound: 8/10
The sound really does click in the game. The sword type fighting battles and voice acting are very well good, except the main characater which whines alot. The music is very catchy techo mix theme, so you wont get bored easily while playing through the game. i do recommend this game to people if they like robots and a fast action game like the Devil May Cry series.